Buy From a Black Woman × H&M

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March 8, 2022


After a year of growth and success, H&M USA and Buy From A Black Woman are launching their next year-long partnership to advance the non-profit’s mission of empowering, educating and inspiring Black Woman Business Owners and the people who support them.   This next phase kicked off with a weekend gathering in Philadelphia where over 30 Black Woman Business Owners mingled, networked, and shared their expertise with their fellow BFABW members.  March will also see the launch of a new docuseries from the non-profit highlighting the success of its members called “The Living Examples”, showing the incredible impact being made by the network.

Buy From a Black Woman is a non-profit organization founded in 2016 by Nikki Porcher that connects over 600 Black Woman owned businesses across the United States and provides a community of support with the goal of helping their businesses flourish.  Throughout 2021, H&M sponsored events like the Buy From A Black Woman Inspire Tour and the BFABW Holiday Market which ran November through December 2021 at H&M’s Times Square location. These events, which saw products from over 50 Black Woman owned businesses sold in H&M locations across the country, exposed new customers to these Buy From a Black Woman member businesses.

“This last year working with H&M, we have been able to bring to light what it means when you believe in and support communities that support you. The Black Woman Inspire Tour, The Business Accelerator, The Black Woman Holiday Market, these events helped open the doors wider and we were able to show the world that Black Women Are Here,” said Nikki Porcher, Founder of Buy From a Black Woman. “I’m excited to continue this partnership into 2022 and show why we believe that Black Women are living examples of what is possible, not only when you believe in yourself, but also when you have the support of a community that believes in you. When you support a Black Woman Business Owner, you support a whole community. H&M believes in supporting Black Women.”

Throughout 2022, H&M USA will continue its support of Buy From a Black Woman through a variety of activities and support aimed at continuing the growth and success of the business owners, starting with a donation of $250,000.  Beginning this summer, H&M USA will again sponsor the organization’s Buy From a Black Woman Inspire Tour, leveraging H&M USA’s channels and brick and mortar locations to highlight Black Woman owned businesses across the country.  Moving into fall, H&M USA will continue its focus on sustainability in business by sponsoring the non-profit’s Black Woman Business Accelerator Program. This 10-week business training course features a structured online curriculum led by experts to assist Black Woman Business Owners in the different ways they can grow, while providing an opportunity for funding access.  Internally, H&M USA will both sponsor eligible colleagues who wish to join the Buy From a Black Woman online directory and network and spotlight the non-profit’s various businesses throughout the year.

“We are thrilled to embark on the second year of our partnership with Buy From a Black Woman. Our relationship with Nikki Porcher and the Buy From a Black Woman vendors has enabled us to witness the growth of these businesses in ways we could not have imagined. This partnership exemplifies the impact we want to have in empowering and creating capacity in the communities in which we live and work,” said Donna Dozier Gordon, Head of Inclusion and Diversity for H&M USA. 

“After the success and impact we saw from our first year of partnership, we knew we needed to continue and expand our support of Nikki Porcher and Buy From a Black Woman for 2022.  Through our continued work together, we can further amplify their mission of elevating Black Women, their businesses and communities,” said Carlos Duarte, President, H&M Americas.


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March 8, 2021

In honor of International Women’s Day and Women’s History Month, H&M USA is launching a year-long partnership with Buy From a Black Woman to advance their mission of empowering, educating and inspiring Black Women Business Owners and the people who support them. 

Buy From a Black Woman is a non-profit organization founded in 2016 by Nikki Porcher that connects over 500 Black Women owned businesses across the United States and provides a community of support with the goal of helping their businesses flourish.  Buy From a Black Woman ensures that Black Women have the tools and resources that will allow them to be successful, such as business education programs, exposure through its curated online directory, and opportunities for networking and financial resources. While Black Women have been starting businesses at an increasing rate, annual sales for Black Women Business Owners are five times smaller than all Women-owned businesses due to lack of support and awareness. However, Buy From a Black Woman continues to grow as a trusted resource.  H&M USA is committed to using its platform to support economic participation and growth, because when Black Women and their businesses flourish, communities thrive.

“It takes more than just saying ‘support Black Women Business Owners’ to support Black Women Business Owners. H&M USA is a true example of what it looks when a company uses its resources to pour into a community. I am excited to partner with H&M USA and travel the country to bring light to all the Black Women Business Owners who feel unseen. With this partnership I’ll be able to make the room larger for more Black Women to move in,” said Nikki Porcher, Founder of Buy From a Black Woman.

Throughout 2021, H&M USA will support Buy From a Black Woman through a variety of sponsorships and activities.  To start, H&M USA introduced Buy From a Black Woman to its 16 million Members during its annual Member Days activation with a portion of the sales being donated to the non-profit.  Beginning in summer, H&M USA will sponsor their Black Women Inspire Tour, leveraging H&M USA’s channels to highlight their Black Women businesses across the country.  Moving into fall, H&M USA will continue its focus on sustainability in business by sponsoring the non-profit’s Black Woman Business Accelerator Program. This 10-week business training course features a structured online curriculum led by experts to assist Black Women Business Owners in the different ways they can grow, while providing an opportunity for funding access.  Internally, H&M USA will both sponsor eligible colleagues who wish to join the Buy From a Black Woman online directory and network and spotlight the non-profit’s various businesses to its employees throughout the year.

“Over 70% of leaders at H&M are women, including our global CEO,” said Carlos Duarte, President of H&M Region Americas.  “We’ve experienced the benefits firsthand of empowering women, especially Black Women, and through this partnership we are humbled to be part of these founders’ journeys.”


 Support and discover businesses owned and operated by Black Women here.